Wednesday 13 March 2013

Android Interview Questions and Answer

1. Define Android?
Android is software stack for mobile devices that has middleware, operating system and specific key applications. The application must be implemented in its own process and Dalvik Virtual Machine interface. DVM device is used to effectively run several virtual machines. The byte code of java language is executed by DVM that is converted to .dex format files.

2. Define Activity?
Activity is nothing but application’s single screen that assists java code.

3. Define intent?
Intent is a class that depicts what caller has to do. Intent is send to intent resolver of Android by the caller which finds appropriate activity for intent. For example: intent is opening PDF doc and the perfect activity for intent is apps of Adobe Reader.

4. Define resource?
Resource is nothing but user defined XML, JSON or bitmap that is inserted in application build process which is later loaded from code.

5. Does Android assist profile of Bluetooth serial port?


6. Is it possible to start an application on powerup?

7. Define APK format?
APK file is compacted AndroidManifest.xml file that has .apk extension. Resource files, Application code and many other files are present in this format and are compressed to single file which has .apk extension.

8. Explain translation in Android?
The data of one language can be changed to other language by Google translator by making use of XMPP for data transmission. You can type English message and choose the language that is easily understood by your country people to reach message to them.

9. On which virtual machine Android runs?
Dalvik virtual machine

10. What is the latest version in android?
Android 4.2

12. Give the new Android platform for mobile phones?
Android 4.2 and the name given to this version is Ice-cream Sandwich. The versions that came before this are given below:
• 3. X.X Honeycomb
• 2.3. X Gingerbread
• 2.2 Froyo
• 2.0/2.1 Éclair
• 1.6 Donut
• 1.5 Cupcake

13. Give the languages that are supported by Android operating system for developing applications?
It supports all the languages that are written using java code.

14. In what ways data can be stored in Android?
• Internal storage
• Network connection
• Shared preferences
• Sqlite database
• External storage

15. What are user interface types?
• Notifications
• Views

16. Give notification types in Android?
• Dialog notification
• Status bar notification
• Tost notification

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